Sunday, November 13, 2016

Geography Of Bihar

Geography Of Bihar

Where Is Bihar? 

Bihar is a landlocked state located in eastern India. West Bengal lies to the east of the state and Uttar Pradesh to the west. Nepal borders the state to the north and Jharkhand to the south. It is the 13th largest state in the country and occupies an area of 94,163 square km. The Ganges River which flows from west to east through the state divides the state into two halves at about the center. Average elevation of Bihar is about 173 feet above sea level.

Climate Of Bihar

Since Bihar is a landlocked state in India, it experiences extreme climate. Summers are quite hot, with temperatures ranging between 35 to 45 degrees Celsius. The hottest months are April to mid-June. Mid-June to September witnesses the monsoon season in Bihar when sufficient rainfall is received. December and January are the coldest months in Bihar and temperatures drop as low as 0-10 degrees Celsius. October to November and February to March are the best months for visiting tourist destinations in Bihar.

Hydrology And Topology Of Bihar

Bihar is one of the most fertile states of India. The Ganges River drains large tracts of land in the state and thus facilitates the irrigation of crop fields in the state. Important tributaries of the Ganges include the Son, Gandak, Budhi, Orhani, Chandan, and Phalgu rivers. Bihar is quite prone to floods during the monsoon season due to the overflow of rivers during this season.

The Himalayas that begin in Nepal, a short distance from the northern borders of the state influences the climate, topology, and culture of Bihar. Small hills like the Rajgir Hills rise in central Bihar. The Chota Nagpur Plateau is located to the south of what was once part of Bihar but now part of the Jharkhand state of India.

Rivers Of Bihar


Waterfalls Of Bihar

Springs Of Bihar

Lakes Of Bihar

Soils Of Bihar

Bihar, located in the Indo-Gangetic plain has extremely fertile soil as one of its biggest natural resource. The Gangetic alluvium  soil of the Indo-Gangetic plain region is the most common soil of Bihar. The Terai soil is found in northern Bihar near the Bihar-Nepal border while the Piedmont Swamp soil is found in the northwestern part of West Champaran district of the state. 

Symbols Of Bihar

State bird:  House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)

State flower: Kachnar (Phanera variegata)

State tree: Orchid tree (Phanera variegata)

Flora And Fauna Of Bihar

Only 7.2% of Bihar’s area (about 6,764.14 km2 ) is covered by forests. 

Holarrhena antidysentericaFlemengia chapparZizyphus xylopyraBauhinia vahliiSmilex protifreraButea superbaButea parviflora are some of the plants that grow in Bihar. Trees like salkendusalaiasanbaheraarjunpaisarmahua, etc., also grow in this Indian state.

Mammals like the tiger, rhinoceros, wild dog, wild buffalo, leopard, black bear, wild boar, hog deer, blue bull, sambar, leopard cat, fishing cat, langurs, flying squirrel, etc., are found in the forests of Bihar, especially the protected areas of the state like the Valmiki Tiger Reserve.

Reptiles like the King cobra, python, Indian cobra, domuha snake, gharial, monitor lizard, krait, crocodiles, etc., also occur in the state. The critically endangered gharial is found in the river Gandak flowing through the state. 

The avifauna of Bihar includes 241 bird species like the tree pipit, white eye, green barbet, pittas, plovers, snipes, emerald doves, storks, ibises, grey shrikes, etc. Several types of owls, nightjars, green pigeons, and others.

The endangered Ganges River dolphin also inhabits some rivers flowing through the state.

Protected Areas Of Bihar

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