Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Origin Of The Names Of Varanasi

Varanasi, the oldest Indian city, and one of the oldest in the world is famous for many reasons. It is often regarded as the holiest city in India and is the heart of the Hindu religion and culture. Thousands of tourists flock to this city every year to experience and explore its mysteries, culture, architecture, history, and more. One question that invariably comes to the minds of many of these people is from where does this ancient city get its name?

Origin Of The Name Varanasi

Varanasi is a Sanskrit name derived from two tributaries of the Ganges River, the Varuna, and the Assi. Both these rivers still flow in the city with the former flowing in the northern part of the city and the latter in the southern part in the form of a small stream. Thus, Varanasi is bounded by these two rivers on either side. The main river flowing along Varanasi, however, is the Holy Ganges on whose northern banks the city is based. 

Origin Of The Name Kāśī (Kashi)

Varanasi is also referred to by the name of Kashi. The Rigveda, the ancient knowledge of Hinduism, mentions the city by this name. Kashi is derived from the Sanskrit root word kaś- meaning ‘to shine’. Thus, the city is also known as the "City of Light,”  a seat of learning. This name of Varanasi is more popular among the pilgrims who visit the city and is also used in most religious contexts. 

Origin Of The Name Benares Or Banaras

The name is a naturalized or corrupted form of the name Varanasi.

Other Names Of Varanasi

Several Hindu religious texts use some other names to refer to the city. Some of these names are Avimukta which means "never forsaken" by Shiva, Rudravāsa which means the abode of Lord Shiva, and Ānandavana which interprets to the blissful forest. 

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