Friday, May 20, 2016

Where To Volunteer For Wildlife In India

1. WWF-India

WWF is one of the most well-known organizations in the history of wildlife conservation and has been actively involved in conserving wildlife across the world. The organization also has its base in a number of Indian states where it is known as WWF-India. Currently, WWF-India offers numerous exciting and interesting volunteer opportunities to those who wish to work for the welfare of Indian wildlife in the country. River cleanups, plantation projects, campaigning, research and a plethora of other activities are offered to volunteers wishing to join the dynamic team of WWF-India.

For more information on volunteering visit the website of WWF-India here:

2. Wild-CER

Located in Nagpur, Maharashtra, Wild-CER (Society for Wildlife Conservation, Education and Research) is a non-profit organization doing excellent work in the field of wildlife conservation. Led by the 2014 Wildlife Conservation Award Winner, Dr. Bahar Shrikrishna Baviskar, the team at Wild-CER is working hard and with a lot of passion, saving the wild animals of India in need of help. Wild-CER also provides volunteer opportunities to those who wish to participate in wildlife rescue and rehabilitation activities conducted by the team at Wild-CER. 

So, if you wish to work with some of the best and most knowledgeable conservationists of India and gather wisdom and experience in the exciting field of wildlife conservation, you can apply for a volunteer opportunity at Wild-CER here:

3. The Gerry Martin Project

Adventure and learning awaits you if you manage to land a volunteer position at the Hunsur and Karadi Malai Camp of the Gerry Martin Project in Karnataka, India. The organization aims to achieve excellence in the field of wildlife conservation by creating greater awareness about the need to conserve species. It also focuses on devising ways and means to mitigate human-animal conflict in India, educating children about nature and its unique inhabitants, and researching on the unique aspects of Indian reptilian and amphibian species. If you wish to be a part of the skilled, diligent and spirited team of The Gerry Martin Project, find volunteer information here:

4. Wildlife Conservation Trust

Wildlife Conservation Trust believes that the best approach towards saving wildlife would be a 360° Approach which would involve both wildlife protection as well as community development. Wildlife Conservation Trust thus needs a large number of helping hands to make its honest and ambitious goals of wildlife conservation come true. The trust works in more than 110 national parks and sanctuaries in the country encompassing 19 states of India. To volunteer for wildlife with the Wildlife Conservation Trust, look here:

5. Aranyak

Work for the rich Indian wildlife of North-East India with the incredible team of Aranyak which strives to protect and conserve the spectacular flora and fauna of the country, involve local communities in such efforts, spread awareness about wildlife conservation via nature education and advocate legal and policy reforms that will ensure the survival of the country’s wildlife. If you want to be a part of such noble missions of Aranyak, contact here:

6. Corbett Foundation

The Corbett Foundation is a charitable trust, NGO, and non-profit based in India with the aim to protect and conserve the treasures species of the Indian wilds. Corbett Foundation is associated with a large number of national and international organizations involved in wildlife conservation including the prestigious IUCN and Global Tiger Forum as well as partners with the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity, the Born Free Foundation and others. If you are want to volunteer for wildlife under the umbrella of this distinguished wildlife organization, look here:

7. Wildlife SOS

If you are ready for some hand-on training in handling, rescuing and caring for bears and elephants in India, be a volunteer of Wildlife SOS. You can also enjoy a memorable experience of working with local human communities living around the forests of the country, educating them and creating awareness about wildlife conservation among them. Here is where you can learn more about Wildlife SOS and its volunteer opportunities:

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