Thursday, June 2, 2016

Five Indian States/UT With The Highest Percentage Of Total Land Area Covered By Forests

5. Nagaland (78.21%)

                                                                                                              By Jackpluto (Own work)

In Nagaland, out of the 16,579 square km of total land area of the state, 12,966 square km is covered by forests. The state is endowed with a wide variety of forest types like the northern tropical wet evergreen forests, northern tropical semi-evergreen forests, northern sub-tropical broad leaved wet hill forests, northern sub-tropical pine forests, northern montane wet- temperate forests, and temperate forests.

4. Arunachal Pradesh (80.30%)

                                                                                                                            By शंतनू (Own work) 

In Arunachal Pradesh, of the 83,743 square km of total area of the state, 67,248 square km is covered by forests. Tropical and sub-tropical forests, bamboo forests, temperate forests, pine and alpine forests, degraded forests, bamboo forests, and grasslands all form part of the landscape of this naturally rich north-eastern state of India.

3. Andaman and Nicobar (81.84%)

In the Union Territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India, lush green forests cover 81.84% of the landscape of this archipelago. Of the 8,249 square km of land here, 6,751 square km is covered by forests. 12 types of forests comprise the vegetation cover of this archipelago including giant evergreen forest, Andamans tropical evergreen forest, Andamans semi-evergreen forest, Andamans moist deciduous forest, littoral forest, mangrove forest, etc.

2. Lakshadweep (84.56%)

                                                                                                                By Lenish Namath

Lakshadweep Islands, covering a meagre land area of 62 square km, has 84.56% or 27% of its area being covered by forests. However, the forests of Lakshadweep are not rich in floral diversity with coconut groves and coastal shrubs, sea grasses, etc., forming the vegetation cover of the archipelago. Lakshadweep also completely lacks highly dense forests and only have moderately dense and open forests. 

1. Mizoram (88.93%)

                                                                                                                    By Dan Markeye 

Mizoram leads in India in being the state with the highest percentage of land area being covered by forests. Out of the 21,081 square km of forest in the state, 18,748 square km is covered by forests. However, Mizoram has shown a steep decline in its forest cover from over 90% in 2013 to 88.93% in 2015.tropical wet evergreen forest,  montane sub-tropical forest, temperate forests,  bamboo forests quercus Forests, etc., cover the landscape of this north-eastern state.

All data is presented as per the India State of Forest Report, 2015:

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